Many amateur and professional gardeners often think about arranging an evergreen garden in their apartment. Often the winter garden is located on part of the porch, patio, in one of the rooms or, when it comes to an apartment in the city – on the balcony. We discuss what conditions are needed to create a green paradise in your house or apartment, as well as what is important to consider. In addition, you will get acquainted with some features of green areas that you should pay attention to when arranging a winter garden at home.
You can create a winter garden at home without much difficulty and without the help of specialists, given that you pay attention to some important features. Particular attention should be paid to the following important points: appropriate and quality glazing of the room, heating, insulation and flooring.
Do not forget that it is very important for plants to have the right lighting. It can be special phyto lamps, and ultraviolet, and ordinary lamps. Everything will depend on what you are going to grow and at what time of the year. Of course, specialized lamps for greenhouses are much better than conventional ones, because only they can fully compensate for the lack of natural light for certain types of plants. However, it is possible that shade-loving flowers will sprout in your oasis without specialized lighting. When creating a greenhouse, do not forget about the correct ventilation system, which will also affect the general condition of all plants. If the area of the room allows it, you can install special humidifiers.
Most often, winter gardens in houses or apartments are located on porches, loggias, balconies and roofs. In relatively rare cases they are in a specially designed separate room. Mini-gardens look especially beautiful if there is an opportunity to have a panoramic view. When converting a part of your home into a winter garden, it is preferable to choose natural materials. Plastic, of course, is easy to maintain, but nothing can replace the warmth of natural stone and wood. If natural materials are too expensive for you, you can look for high quality substitutes such as faux stone.

Photo by Cody West on Unsplash
For glazing a room for a winter garden, it is best to use double-glazed windows, which not only perfectly retain heat inside the winter garden, but also let in a sufficient amount of light, which is so necessary for most plants. As for lighting, it is best to choose diffused light, which covers a large area of the room. In order to have maximum natural light, if possible, choose a room with windows facing the west or east. The insulation of the greenhouse should be with high-quality sealants that do not let cold air in. Particular attention should be paid to all seams and joints on the walls.
It is good if heating is installed, which can be regulated. We should not forget that we have to create a temperature regime that is comfortable for the plants. Often, experts recommend maintaining temperatures from 63 to 77 degrees. This temperature is considered optimal for the normal growth of indoor flowers and plants. To constantly monitor the temperature, you should install a thermometer.
Do not forget about humidity, which, like light and temperature, plays an important role in a winter garden. You can humidify the air and flowers manually, using various atomizers and sprayers. If possible, it is good to install special devices. Often, for additional moisture, porous stone is used, broken and stacked in pallets, which is wetted and then gives extra moisture to the room over time.
A properly designed ventilation system is also important. The so-called greenhouse effect should be avoided by regularly ventilating the room. The air in the home winter garden should enter from below, and rise and exit upward.

Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash
Summing up, we can safely say that only the combination of all the above conditions and their observance will help you create a high-quality and beautiful winter garden at home.
If you want to have an evergreen winter garden, choose plants that do not shed their leaves in the autumn, as well as plants that are not particularly whimsical to care for. For example, various palm trees are always in fashion. For the uniqueness, you can mix several types of plants. These can be tropical exotic options, and subtropical, as well as simple home plants and flowers. Many flower growers, wanting to create an unusual winter garden with their own hands, look only for unusual foreign plants. But experts recommend not to rush into the choice, since such plants require special attention and very often it is quite difficult to take care of them at home.
To make your garden truly unique, the list of plants that will grow in it should be thought out as early as possible. If you are unable to select flowers and plants for your winter garden on your own, you can seek help from professional gardeners. They will certainly be able to advise you on the right options that will delight you all year round.
To diversify your winter garden, be sure to have unusual and original pots. They will surely attract a lot of attention. A real oasis in an apartment building or in your country house can bring beauty and joy to you and the whole family for many years, especially with its proper creation and further care.