The hardest part of any renovation and repair is getting started. To perform home renovation with the least loss of time, effort and money, it is important to know exactly what to do and in what sequence. This is the topic we will deal with in this article.
The most important moments in planning home renovation are the following: what type of repairs do we plan; who will do it; what will the interior design look like; what materials do we need; what is the budget; what is the renovation plan and in what sequence the work will be done.
What kind of home renovation?
It is necessary to assess the condition of the premises, our needs and capabilities. Some old houses and apartments have to undergo major repairs with the replacement of electrical wiring, pipes, doors and windows, etc. In other cases some cosmetic repairs are enough: sanding and refinishing of the hardwood flooring, laying a new carpet, removing the old wallpapers and painting the walls, new furniture, etc.
While planning, budgeting and performing cosmetic repairs could be a relatively easy task, the same does not apply to major house renovations. The latter include (without being limited to) detailed measurements of rooms, reconstruction plans, dismantling and disposing of everything unnecessary, roof, ceiling, walls and flooring repairs. If you find it difficult to decide for yourself exactly what needs to be done, the amount of work, the necessary materials and the budget, consult a professional. It is not always necessary to order a design project, for example you can choose the style of the interior yourself. But if the basic parameters of the renovation are not well specified, there is a risk that the repair will soon be compromised by a leak from the old pipes, for example. Such cases lead not only to frustration, but also to considerable unforeseen expenses.
Who will carry out the renovation?
Some things, of course, you can do yourself. Others – better not, unless you are a very skilled, experienced and confident DIY master. It is better to entrust the installation of doors and windows, ceiling, floor base, electrical and plumbing work and other specific activities that require special knowledge, experience and tools to specialists. You can do the rest – like painting the walls, installing laminate and tiles, etc. – without having to buy expensive equipment and tools needed for more specific activities.
Choosing the interior design
Even with cosmetic repairs only, you can completely transform your house or apartment. If your budget is tight and you cannot hire a professional designer, you can do the task yourself without any worries. Think about what you like: bright colors or discreet minimalism, or maybe the brick walls of the house are ideal for creating a loft, or you want to bring the design closer to cozy boho-chic. Look at different examples, choose the ones you like best, study them, try to imagine combinations between them, until you find exactly the interior in which you would feel best in your everyday life.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
What materials do you need?
When you decide on the concept and design of the home renovation, you can proceed to the calculations and create a list of necessary building materials and supplies. Remember that it is always a good idea to buy the quantity needed plus some reserve. For example, if part of the laminate floor is damaged during installation, you can replace it with a spare plank. If you do not have one, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation – you may not be able to find the same product or the merchant may not want to sell you just one plank or two, or sell it to you at an unreasonably high price. This is generally true for virtually all materials used in home renovation.
If it is difficult to make calculations on your own, contact professionals. Many companies provide a service for allocating the budget and purchasing everything necessary for repairs, even if you decide to do it yourself. In addition to building materials and furniture, try to include little things and details in the list: lamps, additional shelves, decoration, etc.
Home renovation budget
It is good to make calculations about the budget needed for the home renovation at the planning stage. You can use online calculators, build a shopping cart in online stores, or rely on your designer’s advice. If you hire a contractor company, the estimate can be its task, but in any case, you must agree on specific wishes for the repairs. Be sure to include in a written contract the types of work, the technologies used, the categories of building materials, the deadlines and the costs. The desire to save money is understandable and understandable, but in no case save on important activities that ensure your safety – entrust them to experienced professionals.
Since we mentioned the difference between cosmetic and major repairs, it is worth mentioning that according to our observations, major repairs cost about three to four times more than cosmetic ones. Of course, this depends strongly on the specific case and features.

Photo by iR immo RENOVATION on Unsplash
Renovation plan
After developing a design project and purchasing materials, you can proceed to the repair plan. It should reflect all measurements, layout, location of sockets, switches and lighting in all rooms.
Try to stick to the work plan. The following step-by-step instructions will help you not to miss important points:
Measure the house. A detailed plan will allow you to correctly plan and allocate the budget, calculate the work time, material and labor costs.
Dismantle everything you have to. If you are planning to remove walls, do it at this stage.
Install the electrical wires. Do not forget about the cables for internet and TV, if necessary.
Replace or lay pipes for the washing machine, sewerage, heating, etc.
Install windows and front door. Do not remove the protective film until all the work is done.
Perform the main activities on the ceiling and walls – especially if there is a need for leveling and plastering.
Make the floor screed. At this point, you can consider installing an underfloor heating system.
Finish the bathroom. The tiles are laid after the bath tub is installed so that perfect joints can be made.
Remove all construction debris and dust upon completion of the dirty work.
Proceed with the fine finishing of the ceiling and walls (wallpaper, wall panels, painting).
Install the baseboards.
Install the interior doors.
Install kitchen furniture and appliances.
Install cornices, switches, sockets and lighting.
Clean the house thoroughly and put the furniture, carpets and decorations.
Following these simple steps in the correct sequence can save you a lot of unpleasant surprises and unforeseen costs for your house renovation.