Installing Stone Veneer - Instruction Manuals, Tips, Tools and Additional Materials

According to various market researches in recent years, one of the easiest ways to increase the price of your property is installing stone veneer or brick veneer. These suggest that the most cost-effective option is faux stone veneer, as 90 percent of the cost of its installation is added directly to the market value of the building.
If you have already chosen the high quality stone veneer products offered by Canyon Stone Canada, here you can find detailed instructions for their installation, as well as some tips, what tools and additional materials you need. Our tips cover various topics, such as how to calculate exactly how much stone veneer or brick veneer you need for your project, what features of the products to consider when working with them, how to prepare the base surface, how to apply the products and the grout, etc.
Canyon Stone Canada is one of the most famous and trusted suppliers of brick and stone veneer in the country. The company maintains the largest portfolio in the industry and has a long history of satisfied customers – both residential and commercial. It has many years of experience and excellent expertise. The company’s specialists can advise you which are the most suitable for your project.
Whether you are starting an industrial-scale project or just want to reface your old fireplace, Canyon Stone Canada can offer all you need. All products offered by the company are of the highest quality and come in a great variety in terms of colors, textures, shapes and sizes to easily fit into any style.
Follow the link for instruction manuals and tips on installing stone veneer: